Alderman Simon Niblok

Alderman Simon Nibblock of Lyons Ward

Represents Lyons Ward | Elected 2012

0402 617 416


  • Chief Executive Officer’s Performance Evaluation Committee
  • Risk Management and Audit Committee
  • Council of the Ageing NT Board
  • Development Consent Authority (alternate)


Councillor Simon Niblock wants to help make Darwin a cooler, greener and more connected city by providing services that people need, drawing inspiration from great cities around the world.

He has a degree in computing from Monash University and a graduate diploma in editing and publishing from RMIT. A graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a member of the Development Consent Authority he has also been chair of Nightcliff Primary School Council for six years.

He became interested in standing for Council because he wanted to see better cycling and walking infrastructure in Darwin. Once elected his interests expanded to the full remit of the City of Darwin, especially sustainability regarding waste and energy, urban planning, and risk and finance.

“I’m naturally curious and like to hear all views and angles on an issue before moving forward. As elected members, we have a role to lead but also to encourage the community and local groups to step up and share the leadership role. For me, the adage 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together’ sums up the connection between Council and the community.”

Councillor Niblock proposed the Council's energy strategy, which includes a large-scale solar farm and a waste-to-energy plant at Shoal Bay. He believes the Council has a major role to play in combating climate change by reducing its carbon footprint, leading the community and supporting business and industry. He also proposed the development of the Council’s waste management strategy and expects this will lead to a reduction in the amount of waste going to landfill.

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