Our Click and Collect service is available for you to select and order items online and collect once they are available.
There is no charge for the Click and Collect service.
- How to order items
- Visit the online catalogue and log into your account.
- If you don’t know your password, you can reset it.
- Search for items you want, click on the title, then choose Click and Collect.
- Select the library location you would like to collect from.
- We will notify you when your item/s are available to collect.
- Please collect within 10 days of notification.
Suggest an item
If we don't have an item you would like, you can suggest an item for purchase. If the item is recent and likely to be popular, the library will try to purchase it.
If the item is older, specialised or doesn't fit our collection guidelines, we can try to borrow it from another library through an inter-library loan. A fee of $33.60 may apply to some loans.
- What happens when you suggest an item to purchase
- The library will purchase the items if they are deemed appropriate for the collection and of interest to other customers.
- The Libraries reserves the right not to proceed with a suggestion to purchase.
- The Libraries source items from vendors in conjunction with collection guidelines <link>.
- Efforts will be made to source an item as soon as possible.
- Customers will only be notified if an item is obtained by the Libraries.
- Conditions of Inter-library Loans
- Inter-library loans are only available to permanent library members and are not to be re-lent to any other person or organisation.
- The Libraries will not inter-library loan bestsellers, romance paperbacks, reference, CDs, audiobooks, DVDs, textbooks, books published before 1900, or items in high demand or published in the last 12 months.
- The Libraries do not inter-library loan for formal study purposes unless the item is available from an NT Public Library.
- A $33.60 fee applies for interstate inter-library loans.
- Items must be returned by the given due date.
- Customers are liable for any costs associated with late returns, cancelled and uncollected items.
- Where an inter-library loan item is lost, damaged or not returned, the replacement cost of the item and a $65.00 processing fee will be charged.
- The Libraries reserves the right not to proceed with an inter-library loan.
- There may be delays with inter-library loans around Australia if Libraries are closed due to COVID.