Our Planning Team responds to development applications, planning scheme amendments and rezoning applications in our capacity as a ‘Service Authority’. We aim at representing the views and advocating on behalf of the community.
Step 1 Pre-Application | Step 2 The Application | Step 3 Development Permit (if issued) | Step 4 Construction | Step 5 Sign-Off |
Development Waste Management Guidelines
Commercial Outdoor Activities Guidelines
Irrigation Assets Specification Manual
The Northern Territory Government Department of Infrastructure, Planning & Logistics is responsible for administering the Northern Territory Planning Scheme which contains controls, instructions and guidelines in the assessment and decision making on development applications.
Visit the Northern Territory Government website for further information
Step 1 Pre-Application
Owners and developers may take the opportunity to discuss with Council any issues that may arise during the application process.
Areas that can be discussed include;
- Stormwater connection to City of Darwin's infrastructure
- Road access
- Driveways
- Landscaping within the verge
- Waste requirements
- City of Darwin subdivision requirements
The Subdivision & Development Guidelines, Policies and Standard Drawings all provide information on what is required by us.
Step 2 The Application
All Development Applications in the Darwin Municipality are processed by and decided upon by, the Development Consent Authority.
Council is invited to submit comments to the Development Consent Authority on all development applications in relation to relevant planning matters. A response letter discussing any possible issues or requirements for the development is sent to the Development Consent Authority. Any requirement for a contribution towards car parking, stormwater, or road upgrades will also be addressed in this letter and the subsequent Development Permit.
Step 3 Development Permit (if issued)
Once a Development Permit is approved, notice and a copy is provided to City of Darwin by the Development Consent Authority. It is at this stage that any condition precedents relating to Council need to be addressed. A letter will be sent from Council outlining our conditions and the specified timeframe to submit them. Generally, this requires a plan to be submitted and a fee to be paid for approval.
At any point from this stage, relevant plans can be submitted to Council for approval. Stormwater, access, and waste are the most common plans requested. Ensure that you understand what Council requires from your Development Permit conditions. Sorting out any issues early in the development process results in fewer delays later.
If a Development Permit is not issued please speak to your Certifier about what is required.
Step 4 Construction
Throughout construction, Council is available to discuss any issues that arise that may impact on approved plans or relevant conditions. When driveways, footpaths, stormwater or any other works are undertaken in the road reserve a permit is required. Not obtaining a permit may cause a delay in the final sign-off of a development.
Step 5 Sign-Off
Once the development is complete Council needs to be advised that sign-off is required, Council will collate all the approved plans and information and arrange a site visit to ensure that all conditions have been satisfied. If the final construction has changed from the approved plans then as-constructed drawings must be supplied for approval.
If all conditions within the Development Permit relevant to Council have been met then sign-off will be supplied in writing. The same process applies if a Certifier is requiring sign-off.