There are a number of different options when it comes to parking in the city. Whether you want something close to the office, or need to pop into the bank, we have a range of locations at different costs to make parking easier for you.
City Parking Map
Get to know the locations of all of our parking zones and locations throughout Darwin city via our handy parking map.
This is an intercative map which allows you to choose parking locations by zone.
How to Pay for your Parking
You can utilise a debit or credit card to:
- Pay using the PayStay app
- Pay through their account on the PayStay website
- Scan the QR codes displayed on the existing meters to pay as a guest on the PayStay website
- Call PayStay on 1300 322 111
Our Rangers regularly patrol parking zones for
- unpaid parking
- expired parking
- illegal parking (eg on yellow lines).
Loading Zones
Several loading zones are located within the Darwin municipality to assist businesses. They give easy access to business premises and have 15 minute time limits.
Loading zones are for goods vehicles only. Commercial vehicles are trucks, utilities and commercial vans which are primarily designed to transport goods.
Sedans, station wagons and various other similar makes and models do not fall into this category. To use these vehicles in loading zones, please apply for a permit by contacting our Regulatory Services Administration on
Loading zone permits expire on 31 August each year.
About Time Zone Restrictions
The parking signs marked 1/4P, 1P, 2P and 3P; refer to 15 minute, 1 hour, 2 hour and 3 hour parking times. They bring us in line with the standards set out by the Australian Road Rules. 1/4P parking is free but 1P, 2P and 3P parking requires drivers to ensure valid payments are made. Parking zones are regularly patrolled by Council Rangers.
Understanding Yellow Street Lines
Yellow lines mean no stopping and no parking. They are put in places where vehicle, pedestrian or other traffic hazards exist.
If Council Officers observe you stopped in your vehicle on a yellow line, you can face a $50.00 penalty infringement notice.
To enquire about parking matters in the CBD