If you are living in the Darwin Municipality, your dog or cat must be registered if:
- Your dog or cat is older than three months
- Your dog or cat has been in Darwin for a period of three months or longer.
You can register your dog/cat in person at the Civic Centre
Any Australia Post Office in Darwin
To renew your pet's registration you will need your renewal notice.
Register your pet for the first time
You have three options to register your pet for the first time:
- Complete, online registration form.
- Visit City of Darwin Civic Centre.
- Visit any Australia Post Office in Darwin.
Proof is required to confirm eligibility and must be provided at the time of registration for reduced rates.
If you are registering after 30 November, you will be charged a pro-rata rate. Pro-rata rates can be found on the registration application form.
Renewing your pet registration
You must renew your pet registration every year by 1 September.
If your pet has previously been registered, you will receive a renewal notice in the post at least one month prior to the due date.
To renew your pet's registration, you will need your renewal notice.
Did you know? You can also pay your pet registration renewal fee at any Australia Post Office in Darwin.
if you haven’t received your renewal reminder please contact us
Keeping more than two cats or dogs
Under the By-Laws, owners can keep two registered cats and/or dogs on one property. If you want to keep a third dog or cat on your property, you will need to apply for a licence from Council. No more than a total of four animals can be kept on a premise.
To apply for a licence please download and fill out the application form.
Your application will be assessed by an authorised council officer. The process includes:
- An inspection of the property to consider, the size of the property (minimum lot size 400 square metres)
- Whether the fence is adequate to contain the animals
- An overall assessment of the premises as a suitable environment for the number of animals proposed to be kept at the premises
- Consultation with adjoining neighbours and surrounding properties
- Complaint history including consideration of any previous breach of or, substantiated complaint against the owner under the Animal Management By-Laws
- Consideration of animals' species, breed and temperament
Please note that licences may be approved with specific conditions.
Transfer of address/owner
A transfer of ownership or address does not incur a fee. Please download this form and return to City of Darwin by email, post or in person at the Civic Centre.
Form lodgement
You will need to lodge the form via:
- Email -
- Post - GPO Box 84, Darwin NT 0801
- In person - Civic Centre, Harry Chan Avenue, Darwin
Fees and charges
Registration fees are due on 1 September each year. Fees assist us to continue to provide animal management services to the Darwin community such as:
- Dog Parks
- Animal pound facility
- Pop-up stalls
- Animal Education home consults
- Dog workshops
- Dog walking groups
- Pet Care Helpline
- Community events and engagement days
- Animal Management Ranger assistance
- After hour ranger assistance
- Cat trapping programs
- Subsidised desexing, registration and microchipping programs
We offer reduced registration fees in the following circumstances:
- If your cat or dog is desexed
- If you are a concession holder
- If you are a member of NACA or CANT
- If your dog has completed obedience training and holds an obedience certificate
Proof is required to confirm eligibility and must be provided at the time of registration for reduced rates.
If you are registering after 30 November, you will be charged a pro-rata rate. Pro-rata rates can be found on the registration application form.
Registration fees
- Dog registration pro rata fees
Payment Date
1 September -
30 November
1 December -
28 February
1 March -
31 May
1 June -
31 August
Entire Dog
Desexed Dog (over 12 months of age)
Proof must be provided
Desexed Dog (under 12 months of age)
Proof must be provided of desexing and age
Concessions Desexed Dog
Assistance Dog (Entire and Desexed)
Dogs NT (NACA Members)
Entire Dog
Dogs NT (NACA Members) Desexed Dog
Obedience Certificate (Entire)
Obedience Certificate (Desexed)
- Cat registration pro rata fees
Payment Date
1 September -
30 November
1 December -
28 February
1 March -
31 May
1 June -
31 August
Entire Cat
Desexed Cat (over 12 months of age)
Proof must be provided
Desexed Cat (under 12 months of age)
Proof must be provided of desexing and age
Desexed Cat
CANT Members
Entire Cat
CANT Members
Desexed Cat
Special Licence Pro-Rata Fees (to keep three dogs/cats)
An Application for a Special Licence is required to be made separately. Please download form here.
Payment Date |
1 September - 30 November |
1 December - 28 February |
1 March - 31 May |
1 June - 31 August |
3 dogs/cats |
$160.00 |
$120.00 |
$80.00 |
$40.00 |
Microchipping your pet is a condition of registration in the Darwin Municipality. Microchips allow our rangers, vets and rehoming organisations to quickly identify your pet by scanning it with a microchip reader.
The microchip gives your pet a unique number which can be matched on databases that store information about your pet and your contact details. This helps with the speedy return of pets that are lost, at large or injured. Ask your local vet about microchipping services.
Microchipping is also available through the Council’s Animal Education Team, at the Council Pound and RSPCA’s campaigns.
Enforcing registration By-laws
Council employs rangers whose job is to enforce registration requirements. If your pet is not registered and microchipped or you do not have a licence (if required), you may be fined in accordance with the By-laws (42 Offence of unregistered dog or cat).