Purpose of the committee
The Arts and Cultural Development Advisory Committee (the Committee) is established in accordance with section 82 of the Local Government Act 2019 (NT). The purpose of the Committee is to advocate, inform, and guide Council to further amplify creativity and elevate Darwin’s rich arts and cultural communities.
- actively support the implementation of arts and cultural outcomes in keeping with the Creative Strategy 2024 - 2030
- make recommendations to Council to identify actions that City of Darwin may take to improve its facilities, services and programs for greater arts and cultural outcomes
- advocate to Council and educate and inform on relevant arts and cultural considerations and needs, industry best practice and developments
- participate in monitoring and evaluation processes of the Creative Strategy 2024 - 2030
- support the development and establishment of relevant sub-committees, working groups and/or panels as required
- act as a conduit for the sharing of ideas, resources, funding and employment opportunities between Council and Darwin’s creative community.
Committee members
Membership will consist of:
- up to six community members
- four organisational memberships consisting of:
- Larrakia Organisation
- Multicultural Organisation
- Relevant Northern Territory Government representative
- Darwin Entertainment Centre.
- one Elected Member
- one Elected Member (alternate)
- The Lord Mayor, who may attend as ex-officio.
The domains of expertise relevant to the Committee are:
- arts – across all artforms
- cultural and creative industries
- accessible arts
- public art and design.
Register of Committee Membership
Arts and Cultural Development Advisory Committee Register
The Committee will meet at least four times per year and no more than eight times annually, between February and November.
Terms of Reference
Arts and Cultural Development Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Further Information
For further information contact the Arts and Cultural Development Officer on:
Tel | 08 8930 0300
Email | darwin@darwin.nt.gov.au