The Risk Management and Audit Committee (the Committee) is established in accordance with section 86 of the Local Government Act 2019 (NT). The purpose of the Committee is to provide independent assurance and assistance to the Council and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
- monitor and review the integrity of the council's financial management
- monitor and review internal controls
- make recommendations to Council about any matters the Committee considers require the Council's consideration
- monitor the performance of City of Darwin's risk management framework, including strategic, operational and project risk assessments
- oversee the internal and external audit functions including development of audit programs, the conduct of audits by appropriately qualified personnel, the monitoring of audit recommendations and findings, management responses, and the implementation of actions
- monitor City of Darwin's fraud and corruption prevention, compliance and governance frameworks
- review quality of annual financial statements and other performance reporting documents (such as annual reports) prior to their adoption by the Council
- review management's responses to external audit recommendations and monitor implementation of the agreed recommendations
- meet with the external and internal auditors at least once each year to receive direct feedback about any key risk and compliance issues, and to provide feedback about the auditor's performance.
Committee Members
Membership will consist of:
- three Elected Members
- four community members
- at least one of whom should be either Certified Practising Accountant or a Chartered Accountant
- at least one be qualified or have significant business experience in the field of risk management
- The Lord Mayor, who may attend as ex-oficio.
The City of Darwin CEO or delegate will attend all meetings.
Register of Committee Membership
Risk Management and Audit Committee Register
The Committee will meet at least four times per year and no more than eight times annually, between February and November.
Terms of Reference
Risk Management and Audit Committee Terms of Reference
Further information
For further information contact the General Manager Corporate on:
Tel | 08 8930 0300
Email | darwin@darwin.nt.gov.au