Signing up for electronic rates notice is easy and can be done from the comfort of your own surrounds. Depending on what's right for you, you can choose to receive your rates notice via BPAY View® or EZYbill.
Once you're signed up, you can then view, download and pay your Rates Notice online.
Sign up to EZYbill and get your rates notice delivered straight to your email.
Receiving your rates notices electronically will make it easier and more convenient for you to manage your payments, save paper and reduce waste.
Your rates notice will be accessible on any electronic device (i.e. phone, tablet, laptop or desktop) and at your fingertips whenever you are ready to pay your rates; anytime, anywhere, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
BPAY View®
View, download and pay your next Rate Notice via Internet banking.
It's the faster, hassle-free, environmentally friendly and secure way to view and pay your bills. BPAY View offers easy access to pay and track your notices, whilst being kind to the environment by cutting down on paper and reducing our carbon footprint.
Register for BPAY View®
To use BPAY View, you will need to be registered for internet banking with your financial institution.
Once logged in locate the BPAY View section and follow the steps to add or register a new BPAY View biller. To receive your rates notice through BPAY View enter the following details:
- Rate Notice
- Biller Code: 5074
- Reference Number: use the BPAY Reference Number from your previous Rate Notice
- Valuation Number: use the Valuation Number from your previous Rates Notice.
Once details have been entered, you will be notified via email of successful registration.
Receiving your Rate Notice
Once registered with BPAY View, your next Rate Notice will be sent electronically only and your financial institution will notify you when this occurs (via email, SMS or internal internet banking messages - depending on notifications available/activated with your financial institution). Your notice will be available when you next log on to your internet banking.
The electronic copy of your notice will look exactly the same as the printed version, and you can also choose to print and save your own copy if desire.
You will receive a payment reminder (depending on your financial institution) up to two (2) days prior to the due date. When making a BPAY payment from the BPAY View section of your internet banking site, the amount to pay and reference numbers will be pre-populated to make it easier for you.
Otherwise, you can still use the alternate payment methods outlined on your notice.
If you have any additional questions, visit the BPAY website or contact your financial institution.
BPAY® and BPAY View® are registered trademarks of BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518
- Will I receive other City of Darwin notices or accounts via electronic mail as well?
At this stage the only electronic notices or accounts available from City of Darwin is your Rates Notice. If you receive Rates Notices for a number of properties you need to register each property separately.
- What if I'm outside Australia, can I still receive rate notices electronically?
Yes, if you use Internet banking through an Australian financial institution. Otherwise, if you only have an overseas bank account, you won't be able to use the BPAY View service.
- Will I still receive a rates notice through the mail once I register to receive notices electronically?
No, once you have registered to receive your Rates Notice via BPAY View, you will no longer receive the notices in the mail.
No, once you have registered to receive your Rates Notice via EZYbill, you will no longer receive these types of notices in the mail.
- What about the inserts and brochures that normally come with the hardcopy notice?
No problem, you'll be able to view all the brochures and notices that normally come in the mail online by clicking on the City of Darwin link provided on the rates notice.
- If I receive my notice electronically, how can I pay?
With BPAY view you have the choice of paying directly through BPAY or any other available payment method (including Direct Debit). Making payments by BPAY payment is easy with BPAY View as the amount to pay and reference numbers will be pre-populated for you.
You can use any available payment method detailed on the Rate Notice.
- I'm having trouble registering for BPAY View or EZYbill and need more information.
If you need assistance with registering for Internet banking and/or the BPAY View service, visit, or contact your financial institution.
BPAY and BPAY View are registered trademarks of BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518
If you need assistance with registering or other details head to EZYbill and click on the help button at the top right of the screen. Alternatively you can call our rates team on