On this page:
- About the program
- Important dates
- Priority areas
- Eligibility
- Assessment criteria
- Apply now
- Tips and resources
- FAQs
- Previously successful grants
About the program
The City of Darwin Community Grants program supports one-off activities and events that benefit the community.
You can apply for $1000 - $10,000 (excluding GST) for your project.
You must be a not-for-profit organisation, or auspiced by a not-for-profit organisation.
There are 2 rounds per year, each providing $50,000 in funding to community projects.
Please read the funding guidelines here.
Currently we only accept written applications via SmartyGrants. If you have any access requirements, please contact the Community Development Officer on 8930 0300 or email communitygrants@darwin.nt.gov.au.
Important dates
Round 1 - opens 1 March and closes 31 March.
For projects occurring July to December.
Round 2 - opens 1 September and closes 30 September.
For projects occurring January to July.
Applications will close at 6pm (ACST).
You will be notified of your application's outcome within 6 weeks of the round closing.
Priority areas
Priority is given to projects that contribute to:
- Reconciliation - building relationships, respect and trust between the wider Australian community and First Nations people
- Partnerships between community groups
- Engagement and leadership by underrepresented populations/ diverse communities
- Accessibility and inclusion
- Applicants must be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation, or an individual or group auspiced by an incorporated not-for-profit organisation*
- Projects must be new projects or initiatives, not existing programs or operational costs
- Proposed activities must occur within the time period specified for each funding round
- Activities must occur within the Darwin municipality - see this map for ward boundaries. Please note, the Darwin Waterfront is not in the Darwin municipality and activities or programs in this location are not eligible for this grant.
If you are unsure about your eligibility, contact the Community Development Officer on 8930 0300 or email communitygrants@darwin.nt.gov.au.
*Auspice – if you are an unincorporated organisation, an individual or a group, you will need the support of an incorporated organisation to act as a sponsor, to be an intermediary for financial purposes. If you need support in connecting you with a suitable organisation please contact us.
Eligible Expenses
The table below lists some of the common expenses and whether they are eligible. More details can be found in the funding guidelines.
- Eligible and TBC expenses
- Artist/performer fees
- Facilitator fees
- Catering costs
- Equipment hire
- Marketing and promotion
- Project specific equipment and materials
- Project specific administration and wages TBC
- Non eligible expenses
- Project specific capital upgrades
- Contingency
- Gifts and prizes
- Alcohol
- Insurance
- Travel and accommodation
Assessment Criteria
Your application will be assessed in relation to:
- Benefit to the community
- Viability
These are the questions asked in the application that align with the assessment criteria used at the assessment stage:
- Project Description
- Project Rationale - Why do you want to do this project? Who in the Community will benefit?
- In what ways is your project accessible and inclusive?
- Project Plan - What is your plan for achieving your project?
Apply now
Note: Round 2 applications open Sunday 1 September 2024.
Before you apply, we encourage you to contact the Community Development Officer on 8930 0300 or email communitygrants@darwin.nt.gov.au
Ready to apply? Visit SmartyGrants to start your application.
Tips and resources
When writing your application:
- Use clear and concise language – direct and to the point.
- Show us why your project is important. Let your passion shine!
- Assume we know nothing about you, your organisation or your project.
- Support your application. Attach evidence of support from the community or any project partnerships, and anything else you think will show us why you and your project are great.
- Prepare a detailed and accurate budget. Be realistic and include quotes where you can.
- Get feedback from the Community Development Officer if you are unsuccessful. You may be successful next time.
First Nations protocols
The Larrakia people are the traditional owners of the Darwin region. You can find information on cultural protocols including information on Welcome to Country by visiting Larrakia Protocols - Larrakia Nation.
Equipment for hire
City of Darwin has a range of free and affordable equipment for hire, including:
- Accessible flooring
- Fun and games for children
- Sound equipment
- Smoothie bikes
Here you can find more information about equipment for hire.
Here you can find an Accessible and inclusive events checklist.
Frequently Asked Questions
- I’ve applied for a grant before. Can I apply again?
Yes. However, you should only apply for funding if it is for a new initiative.
- Can my organisation submit more than one application?
Yes, but it’s likely that only one will be funded.
- How much money is available?
There is $100,000 in the Community Grants pool each year, made up of two rounds of $50,000.
- What’s the maximum I can apply for?
The maximum grant amount is $10,000.
- Can I apply again for funding for a project that has previously received funding?
Only if you are applying for a new initiative as part of that project. Organisations can’t be funded for exactly the same initiative more than once.
- Can I apply again for funding for a project that has previously been unsuccessful?
Yes, but call for some advice first so that you know why it wasn’t successful the first time. Sometimes projects are not successful because there too many good applications to fund them all and a slightly stronger application succeeds.
- My organisation hasn’t sent in the acquittal (final financial report) from our last project. Can we still apply?
To be eligible for a new grant, your organisation needs to have sent in the acquittal. Please speak to the Community Development Officer if you have any questions about this.
- Can I get funding for general expenses for my organisation?
No, grant funding is for the expenses of a project, not organisational costs.
- Can I apply for money for wages?
Yes, but only the wages for the project, for example, facilitator wages to run a workshop.
- Can I apply for a grant as an individual?
Only if you are aupsiced by a not-for-profit organisation. Contact the Community Development Officer on 89300300 or communitygrants@darwin.nt.gov.au if you are unsure.
- When will I know if I have been successful?
All applicants will be notified by email within six weeks of applications closing.
- Do you accept handwritten or video applications?
- Currently all applications must be submitted online through SmartyGrants, in typed English. If you have any access requirements in relation to this, please contact the Community Development Officer on 89300300 or communitygrants@darwin.nt.gov.au and they will assist you.
- What if I’m late with my application?
The system will not allow you to submit beyond the closing time and date. We cannot accept late submissions.
- Can I get advice about what to apply for and what to write?
Yes, call the Community Development Officer on 08 8930 0300 or email communitygrants@darwin.nt.gov.au.
Any upcoming information sessions will be advertised on our social media.
- The guidelines say that projects should be sustainable. What does that mean?
This means that projects either need to start and end during the funding period or that there is a way they can continue after the funding has been spent.
- Are the eligible expenses listed in the guidelines the only eligible expenses?
The funding guidelines are a general document that cover all City of Darwin’s funding streams. There are more eligible expenses than are listed, such as project-specific transport, venue hire and childcare. Contact the Community Development Officer on 89300300 or communitygrants@darwin.nt.gov.au if you are unsure.
Previously successful grants
- Round 2 Community Grants Program 2024/2025
- Football NT – will host the Refugee World Cup, an annual event celebrated on Australia Day where over 1000 Darwin locals from diverse backgrounds and with diverse attributes come together to play football.
- Workforce Plus – will create a sensory community garden, an inclusive and accessible outdoor space designed for people with dementia and people with disability.
- Desexing Assistance and Community Support – will host Doggy Desexing Month in conjunction with vet clinics across the NT, supporting the community in desexing and microchipping their pets.
- Sugarbag Incorporated – will host the Sugarbag Festival Block Party, a free arts and culture all-ages event that provides a platform for the community to come together and celebrate local talents.
- Sri Lankan Australian Friendship Association – will host a Sri Lankan New Year Festival aimed at celebrating the rich traditions of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year, showcasing Sri Lankan heritage and promoting inclusion and harmony.
- Indian Orthodox Church Darwin Inc - will host a reconciliation family fest that builds on the free breakfast program for homeless people that the church has run for three years.
- NTAHC – will run a series of supported social events for women living with HIV to connect over a meal, addressing some of the unique challenges faced by this community.
- Variety the Children’s Charity – will celebrate 25 years of supporting teenagers with disabilities with a fun-filled afternoon of activities including art and craft, basketball, dance and music.
Total: $50,000
- Round 1 Community Grants Program 2024/2025
- YWCA Australia (Connected families barista training)
- Alliance Francaise de Darwin Inc (French rhyme time and playgroup)
- Corrugated Iron Youth Arts Inc (Youth Performing Arts Festival Futures Collide)
- Multicultural Seniors Social Club (Multicultural Seniors Evening)
- Multicultural Multigenerational Mainstream Dance Association Inc (Afrobeats Dance Project) Darwin Community Arts (Immerse Interactive Sensory Disability Arts Project) ARC Waves (Arts, Representation, Community Waves) (Podcast Production Project)
Total: $50,000
- Round 2 Community Grants Program 2023/2024
- Multicultural Multigenerational Mainstream Dance Association Incorporated (Darwin K-pop Random Dance 50)
- Neighbourhood Watch NT (Youth and Families Movie Screening)
- Top End Pride NT Incorporated (Darwin Pride 2024 Pride March)
- The Korean Association in Australia Northern Territory Incorporated (Northern Territory K-Pop Contest)
- Darwin Malayalee Association Incorporated (Medamasa Ravu 2024)
- Crime Stoppers Northern Territory (Pedestrian Road Safety)
- Menzies School of Health Research (Supporting the wellbeing of First Nations renal patients through social and cultural activities in Darwin)
- St. Thomas Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Inc (Easter)
- Wildcare Incorporated (Show bags)
- Wild North Arts Inc (Wild North Comic Con '24)
Total: $48,000
- Round 1 Community Grants Program 2023/2024
- Two Two One Mental Health Charity (Mental Health Night School - Trauma through a cultural lens)
- Deaf Connect (Celebrating National Week of Deaf People 2023)
- Happy Yess Community Arts Inc. (A 'bloody good celebration')
- Vocalective auspiced by Arafura Wind Ensemble (Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn)
- Fathima Ilma Ali auspiced by Melaleuca Australia (Arts and Fashion Show 2023)
- Brother to Another (Brother to Another after hours identity program)
- Geek Culture Collective NT (Game On)
Total: $50,000
- Round 2 Community Grants Program 2022/2023
- Top End Women's Legal Service Inc. (Be Different-Be Together Inclusive Program)
- Northern Territory Multiple Births Club (Celebration for Multiple Birth Awareness Week)
- Northern Territory Working Women's Centre Incorporated (Hidden Heroes Family Day)
- Arafura Wind Ensemble Incorporated (Celebrating 30 years of community music making)
- Arts Access Darwin, Darwin Community Arts (Tidal Reflections - a public art project by the Free Space Studio)
- Vietnamese Community in Australia - NT Chapter (Tet Festival 2023 Celebration - Vietnamese Lunar New Year)
- St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc. (St John NT Event Health Services Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Upgrade Project)
- Darwin Men's Shed (Fridge Upgrade / Meal Preparation)
- Nicole Brown Auspiced by Miyartiwi Dreaming Ltd (Indigenous Activation 2023)
Total $50,000
- Round 1 Community Grants Program 2022/2023
- CAAPS Aboriginal Corporation (Darrandirra Yarning)
- Variety the Children's Charity Northern Territory (30th Anniversary Bash Free Family Fun @Mindil)
- Northern Territory Momineen Inc. (Interfaith Eid Family Fun Day)
- Amazing XR (Amazing VR E-Sports)
- Darwin Skills Development Scheme Inc. (Artist with Sustainable Future)
- Darwin Community Arts (Through Our Eyes)
Total: $50,000
- Round 2 Community Grants Program 2021/2022
- Two Two One Mental Health Charity (GO! Nights Cultural Connection)
- Darwin Men's Shed (Safer Machinery for Members)
- Melaleuca Australia (Kushona Collective-Men Sewing and Sharing)
- Hindu Society of NT (Hindu Food Festival)
- Tangan (Tangan Building a Collective)
- Corrugated Iron Youth Arts (Nitestreet 2022)
Total: $50,000