City of Darwin will also develop a complimentary Implementation Roadmap to guide the city’s activities and contribute to the realisation of the #SmartDarwin Strategy.
Our key objectives
- Lead the Dialogue: Embed the #SmartDarwin Strategy in future strategic planning for the city and in the development of strategic precincts
- Collaborate & Integrate: Deploy smart city solutions in collaboration with industry partners and the community across strategic precincts
- Revitalise & Reactivate: Enhance precinct usability, safety and amenity to enable increased visitation through mobility and walkability
- Grow & Develop: Attract new developments and investment across strategic precincts to increase social and commercial activity.
Developing and connecting vibrant, safe, strategic precincts
Darwin has identified and prioritised investment in strategic central precincts that are well-connected and offer a unique and safe experience for residents, workers and visitors.
City of Darwin boasts an array of experiences and amenities complimented by modern, state-of-the-art public infrastructure that enhances the city’s liveability and attractiveness to do business and invest. However, like most growing cities, Darwin has also experienced the challenges associated with managing growth and this has resulted in a greater prevalence of anti-social behavioural issues.
In order for the city’s strategic precincts to reach their full potential as vibrant safe places to visit, City of Darwin and key partners will seek to address old problems with new solutions underpinned by smart technologies, data and innovation.
Our key objectives
- Capability & Capacity: Develop digital technology and data capabilities in business and industry to leverage market opportunities and create jobs
- Diversify & Commercialise: Develop smart supply chain capability and Smart Sector Plans to develop new market opportunities and grow the economy
- Smart Infrastructure: Embed smart design and technologies in new and existing enabling infrastructure and asset development to ensure capabilities support future uses and underpin economic growth.
Building a resilient and productive economy
Darwin has cemented its economic position as the capital of Northern Australia. Darwin businesses and industry are leveraging the city’s proximity to South East Asia and the diversified employment mix.
City of Darwin has prospered from an era of strong economic growth however, over recent years, this has slowed due to an over reliance on the resource sector.
It is critical that the city diversifies its economic base, particularly as the global economy shifts towards the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). This next wave of change is characterised by the adoption of transformative technologies to connect the physical world with the digital world. For City of Darwin to reach its full potential as northern Australia’s capital and in order to leverage the opportunities emerging from Industry 4.0, it is imperative that businesses and industry adopt and develop emerging technical capabilities as well as secure access to talent and investment.
Our key objectives
- Clean & Green: Transform City of Darwin into a cool, clean, green, liveable tropical city
- Climate Change: Address climate change through the use of emerging technologies and better use of data
- Disaster & Resilience: Build greater disaster response capabilities and enhance resiliency to major threats.
Enabling sustainable and smart environmental management
Darwin has enhanced its climate resiliency and developed a robust approach to climate adaptation and response to natural disasters through the use of smart technologies.
Darwin has first-hand experience of the impacts of climate change and the significant threats that are posed to the city’s built and natural environments as a result of natural disasters. City of Darwin is committed to finding practical and effective ways to monitor, mitigate and minimise the impacts of climate change. This will be greatly enabled through the use of more sophisticated technology, data, research and innovation.
Furthermore, City of Darwin recognises the importance of developing an urban environment that mitigates the extreme weather conditions experienced by the tropical city in order to improve the look, feel and practical use of the city.
Our key objectives
- Education & Training: Develop a talent pool equipped with the skills and capabilities for the future of work and the path of entrepreneurship
- Activate & Accelerate: Foster the local start-up and entrepreneurial eco-system to drive grassroots engagement in #SmartDarwin and enhance opportunities to grow ideas into businesses
- Human-Centred Design & Engagement: Adopt a human-centred approach to designing and delivering social services and engagement opportunities and enable residents to regularly participate in collaborative decision making.
Creating inclusive, smart, healthy, liveable communities that attract new residents
Darwin has become a region of choice offering residents of all demographics and diverse cultural backgrounds a quality lifestyle and a variety of opportunities to participate and thrive in society and the local economy.
Darwin is a city filled with history and cultural diversity, and City of Darwin ultimately strives to enhance the lives of residents who choose to call the city home. To be a globally recognised smart, tropical and liveable city, City of Darwin understands it has an important role to play in improving the opportunities for the community to participate more broadly in the economy and society.
In order to sustain and support future prosperity, Darwin must attract new residents and new skills to ensure the city provides the amenity, support and services desired by those it is seeking to attract.
Our key objectives
- Transformative Leadership: Develop a digitally connected city that benefits residents, workers, visitors, businesses, key stakeholders and governments
- Civic Innovation: Position Darwin as a global leader in tropical smart cities and public-sector innovation
- Open Government: Enhance transparency through greater access to information on city government performance and decision making, and assess the real time economic impacts of the annual capital works program and other major projects delivered by City of Darwin
- Smart Systems & Asset Management: Improve whole-of- life costing and asset management and maintenance planning through data and analytics
- Strategic Partnerships: Develop and strengthen national and international smart city relationships to accelerate outcomes for Darwin through greater collaboration and sharing of knowledge and best practice.
Delivering an agile, innovative and collaborative city government
City of Darwin collaborates with the community, business, academia and government, and leverages smart technologies to deliver efficient services and strategic economic leadership for the benefit of the city.
The role of city governments is transforming around the world and residents and ratepayers are demanding more personalised and efficient services. There is also a distinct shift towards adopting ‘open government’ practices and platforms to build trust in the systems, policies and processes of government.
As City of Darwin embarks on its smart city journey, it is important the city’s strategy, operational frameworks and information technology systems are enablers to becoming a responsive, data-driven and collaborative service provider.