DARWWYN (DARwin Working With Youth Network) is a networking forum for youth services and youth sector workers, working with and for young people through the not-for-profit and government sectors in Darwin.
The purpose of the network is to:
- share information between agencies and provide a forum for current issues relating to young people
- identify emerging issues for exploration and future consideration
- take a collaborative approach to developing problem solving strategies to address identified issues
Participation is open to people and organisations invested in the development and implementation of initiatives that improve outcomes for young people in our community.
Monthly Meetings
City of Darwin convenes the monthly DARWWYN meetings, which take place on the first Thursday of the month (February to December) from 9am-10.30am . All youth sector workers and collaborators are welcome to attend.
The meetings are offered in hybrid format so you can attend either in person or online. Venues change from time to time so please check in via the email address below if you're not already receiving updates via the calendar invite.
Weekly E-newsletter
Want to keep in touch with youth sector opportunities? City of Darwin supports collation and distribution of a weekly e-newsletter providing updates on grants, professional development opportunities for the sector as well as activities and events for young people in Darwin.
To get a calendar invite, join the e-news list, provide newsletter content or for any other enquiries about DARWWYN email