The Information Communication Technology (ICT) Steering Committee (the Committee) is established in accordance with section 82 of the Local Government Act 2019 (NT). The purpose of the Committee is to ensure accountability and governance oversight of the ICT function.
The functions of the Committee are to:
- oversee the implementation of the ICT Roadmap and provision of ICT Infrastructure, Networks and Security ICT operations
- consider, evaluate and provide commercial, financial and risk recommendations regarding ICT projects and investment in future Information Technology (IT) capability
- provide guidance and recommendations regarding strategic investment priorities, decision making and project methodologies, and provide advice to CEO
- provide oversight and monitoring of IT implementation programs and schedules including the identification of key risks and dependencies and provide appropriate solutions and mitigation strategies that consider overarching return on ICT investments
- make recommendations to Council about any matters the committee considers require the Council's consideration.
Committee Members
Membership will consist of:
- one Elected Member
- one Elected Member (alternate)
- four community members:
- one (1) of whom will be the Chair of the Risk Management and Audit Committee
- at least one of whom is qualified or has significant business experience in the field of ICT governance and project management
- at least one of whom is qualified or has significant business experience in the field of commercial finance and contract management
- The Lord Mayor may attend as an ex-officio.
The City of Darwin CEO or delegate will attend all meetings.
Register of Committee Membership
Information Communication Technology Steering Committee Membership Register
The Committee will meet at least four times per year and no more than eight times annually, between February and November.
Terms of Reference
Information Communication Technology Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Further Information
For further information contact the Executive Manager Corporate and Customer Service on:
Tel |Â 08 8930 0300
Email |Â darwin@darwin.nt.gov.au