Strength for Better Balance - Healthy Darwin Subsidised Weekly Activity
via Zoom
Darwin NT 0800
Balance is a key factor in leading an active, confident, and happy life as we age. Although there are various reasons why balance declines with age, the great news is that we can prevent the decline of balance caused by normal aging and moving less.
Strength for Better Balance helps prevent falls, builds confidence, and most of all improves overall quality of life.
These sessions are designed to improve the following factors that contribute to poor balance:
• weak lower body strength
• poor recruitment of the deep stabilisers of the hips and core
• reduced mobility and flexibility
Each 45 minute class will include a warm-up, dynamic balance moves, lower body strength exercises, unilateral strength exercises, mobility and flexibility work.
This class will be delivered via Zoom. Exercise in the comfort of your own home!
Bookings required! Go to or contact Sharon - Super Ageing 0438 890 089 for details or help connecting to Zoom.
Cost: $5 per session
Check out the overview flyer for Healthy Darwin's entire 2022-23 Wet Season Subsidised Activities Program or go back to the Event listings to find all the other HD activities.