Last year, City of Darwin announced a record breaking $77.77 million capital works program and this year, Council has backed that up with another record breaking $91.5 million capital works budget as part of Council’s Draft 2021/22 Municipal Plan.
The whopping $91.5 million will build on Council’s delivery of community infrastructure improvements, smart technology and environment initiatives already achieved over the past few years.
Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis said: “This Council has worked extremely hard during their term for its community, with a total capital investment of around $230 million. This is more than $100 million greater than any other term in the history of City of Darwin.
“The record 2021/22 capital expenditure will deliver economic stimulus to our city and important community infrastructure including the Casuarina Aquatic and Leisure Centre and the Civic Centre redevelopment projects.”
Key elements of the draft 2021/22 Municipal Plan include:
$55 million to deliver the Casuarina Aquatic and Leisure Centre and Civic Centre redevelopments
$4.1 million investment in sports and recreation infrastructure
$14 million Shoal Bay Waste Management facility cell capping
$9.3 million to maintain parks and green spaces across the municipality
$3.3 million Lee Point Road upgrade
$2.25 million Velodrome improvements
$2.1 million Better Suburbs and enhancements projects
$1.9 million towards creating a Safer Darwin
$1.4 million stormwater upgrades and reconstruction
$1.3 million tree establishment program.
The overall amount of rates that City of Darwin receives in 2021/22 has increased by 2.5%.
The NT Valuer General conducted its triennial revaluation of land in the Darwin Municipality earlier this year. This revaluation has been applied to Council’s rating strategy for rates levied in 2021/22 It affects the rate distribution, that is, how much one property owner pays in relation to another. It does not affect the total rates revenue Council receives.
While the majority of Council’s fees and charges have remained the same as last year there have been some increases.
Parking fees in the city centre will increase by an average of 5.5%. This is the first time in four years that parking fees have increased and equates to 10c/hour for on-street parking.
Public pool entrance fees will be increasing by 50c for children and $1.00 for adults. The moratorium on outdoor dining fees has ended so charges will apply from 1 July 2021 and will remain the same as 2019/20.
City of Darwin continues to provide support for events, festivals and to not-for profit organisations through $1.6 million allocated to sponsorships, grants and operating subsidies.
Employee costs have increased by 6% due mainly to Council's decision to deliver more capital and operational activities by its own staff. The increase is offset by reductions in the need for external contractors and material.
The increase is offset by reductions in the need for external contractors and materials.
Council continues to collaborate and partner with the Northern Territory and Federal Governments, peak industry groups and key stakeholders to ensure opportunities are realised for the betterment of the community.
“The 2021/22 Municipal Plan aims to deliver a Better City. Better Suburbs, with the budgeted capital expense spread across the community – it’s a budget for our suburbs.
“This budget is responsible, resilient and sustainable, funded through a mix of operational savings, loan borrowings and utilisation of reserves,” said the Lord Mayor.
The Draft 2021/22 City of Darwin Municipal Plan was endorsed at the Special Council Meeting on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 and is available for public display and submissions until 5pm Wednesday, 9 June 2021.
The draft plan can be viewed at or by visiting Darwin Civic Centre, Harry Chan Avenue, Darwin, between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
Written submissions can be submitted via or email or phone 8930 0300.
All feedback will be considered by Council in adopting the final 2021/22 Municipal Plan at the Ordinary Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Tuesday, 29 June 2021.