City of Darwin is continuing to provide essential Council services during this lockdown period and have been attending to community enquiries and concerns.
Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis said that due to the lockdown experienced by Council in 2020, City of Darwin was well prepared in their emergency planning and Council’s Pandemic Response Team are doing a fantastic job in leading the organisation during this lockdown.
“Our Assertive Outreach team are out there in the community assisting homeless and vulnerable people and providing much needed support to the Northern Territory Government and community support services.
“Between our Rangers and Assertive Outreach team, almost 450 people have been sighted across many locations throughout the municipality. They have been provided with food, water, soap and face masks.
“Our animal management team have dealt with almost 20 animal enquiries since Monday and customer service is receiving around 100 calls per day.
“We are cleaning, we are maintaining and we are operating.
“I would like to thank everyone classified as an Essential Worker for continuing to undertake Council duties as prescribed and I would also like to thank each and every staff member who now finds themselves working from home for continuing to operate business as usual.”
“Our response to this situation continues to be planned, measured and flexible,” said the Lord Mayor.
City of Darwin has continued to accept residential, commercial and industrial waste via the Shoal Bay Waste Management Facility as an essential service and the only waste facility operating in the lock down area of greater Darwin. On Tuesday evening the Chief Health Officer gave a direction for residents that have no waste collection at their premises to be able to travel directly to the Waste Facility to deposit their waste. The waste facility is open and will accept waste on an essential basis only, entry to the Facility is subject to CHO Guidelines, with facemasks to be worn at all times and staff directions to be adhered to.
For further information call City of Darwin directly on 8930 0300.