City of Darwin wishes to advise of the opening of a portion of Garramilla Boulevard road reserve under the Local Government (Administration) Regulations
As per section 273 of the Local Government Act, Council is required to consult with the community prior to seeking approval from the Minister for Local government for the opening of a portion of Garramilla Boulevard road reserve and as per Section 270 (2) vest Crown land under the care, control, and management of, the council as a road or road reserve.
Highlighted below, which will remain as Frog Hollows amphitheatre and Garramilla roadside Kerb and pathway. is the land area which would be vested to Council as road reserve, pending approval from the Minister.
Public Feedback
The City of Darwin is seeking further community feedback in relation to the proposed road reserve opening of road reserve as shown.
Any written submissions in response to the proposal are required to be lodged with the City of Darwin by Friday 14 October 2022.
Submissions may be lodged electronically via email to or posted to City of Darwin, PO Box 84 Darwin NT 0800.
If you have any further queries in regard this matter, please email the Property Business Partner at  or phoning 8930 5630