Walk n Wag - Nightcliff Foreshore
Nightcliff Foreshore
The Foreshore Restaurant & Café
Nightcliff NT 0810
City of Darwin runs a series of free community dog walks -‘Walk ‘n’ Wag’ – aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and helping dog owners socialise their animals in a supportive environment.
You can sign up for any walk by visiting: https://www.darwin.nt.gov.au/form/walk-n-wag-registration
The Walk ‘N Wag events are held every second Tuesday afternoon for approximately 30 - 45 minutes, meeting at 5.40pm and starting at 5.45pm.
Each Walk ‘N Wag event is held at a different location, giving dog owners an opportunity to try walks they have never done before.
The Tuesday 4 July 2023 Walk ‘n’ Wag walk will be at Nightcliff Foreshore. Meet at The Foreshore Restaurant & Café.
Please note the following details specific to this walk:
- Fitness level - Easy
- Walk duration - 30mins
- Distance - 2.5km
- It’s been a little warm, bring a water bottle and be sun smart.
- Given the time of the day, there is a possibility of mosquitoes and midges so protection against them is advised.
Walk requirements:
- Dogs must be on lead (no extendable leads or leads over 6 ft) at all times unless advised otherwise
- All dogs must be fully vaccinated, this ensures the health and safety of all the dogs
- Bring a poop bag ‘bag it, bin it’, it is the dog owners responsibility to clean up after their dog
- Permission should be sought from each owner before introducing dogs to each other, respect space
- To create a safe space for small dogs, we ask that large dogs who are reactive to small dogs walk at the front of the group, with smaller dogs keeping to the back
- Dogs who are working on reactivity or who need space should indicate this by tying on a yellow bandana, our Animal Education Officers can assist with this
- Ill-tempered dogs must be muzzled
City of Darwin Animal Education Officers will be on hand to provide dog owners with advice and support on a range of pet management issues.
Should the weather be unfavourable, the decision to cancel Walk N Wag will be made at 4pm. An email will be sent to all walkers on the mailing list and a notice will be issued on the City of Darwin Facebook page.
For more information please go to: https://www.darwin.nt.gov.au/.../great-pets-start-with-you or call the Pet Care Helpline on 8930 0606.