Kalymnos and Darwin Language Scholarship Program

City of Darwin’s Sister Cities Program has for many years supported local language competitions for a range of languages from our Sister Cities and promotes the Sister City Program targets students.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Darwin and Kalymnos in 2022, City of Darwin is pleased to deliver an English and Greek language scholarship program, which is designed to encourage the students in Darwin to study Greek and students in Kalymnos to study English.

The Kalymnos and Darwin Language Scholarship Program encourages high school students from both Darwin and Kalymnos to apply for AU$500 cash each to continue the study of the Greek/English and related professional development activities.

Kalymnos is Darwin’s first sister city established on 28 July 1982, Darwin has an established Greek Community dating back to the early 19th century and booming in the 1950s when post-war immigrants arrived in Darwin and worked as sponge divers. Much of the Greek community in Darwin is from Kalymnos. Kalymnos is 300km from southeast of Athens.  There is a total of 3,216 people from Greece in Darwin as per the 2021 census based on ancestry, which is ranked as the Top 8 of the dominant groups in Darwin.


Students in year 8 or above from Darwin and Kalymnos who are or planning to study English or Greek as a foreign language.


Students from Kalymnos to submit a 400 - 500 word magazine article in English focusing on the topic of ‘A safe, liveable and healthy city’.

Students from Darwin to submit a 400 - 500 word magazine article in Modern Greek focusing on the topic of ‘a safe, liveable and healthy city’.

The Kalymnos and Darwin Language Scholarship Program is extended to 20 June 2024 for application.

Please submit via online application form below before the deadline or submit via email: international@darwin.nt.gov.au

Assessment Criteria

  Description Weight
Communicative Achievement Developing a clear storyline, typical features of story-writing. Uses the conventions of the communicative task effectively to hold the target reader’s attention and communicate straightforward and complex ideas, as appropriate. 20%
Content To be relevant to the given required topic. The reader is fully informed. 15%
Conciseness and Clarity Writing that focuses directly on a point and maximizes meaning with minimum wordiness, to be both clear and concise. 15%
Organisation and Layout Writing style is well organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to generally good effect. It is well laid out for the reader. 25%
Language Whether the accuracy of the grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation communicates the necessary information to the reader. 25%


Application Form

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