City of Darwin has partnered with Plastic Free NT to reduce unnecessary single-use plastic 🍲
Cafes, restaurants and mobile food vendors will be proudly putting up their “Plastic Free NT” member certificates to show their commitment to taking steps towards eliminating single-use plastics.
Plastic Free NT is run by peak not-for-profit group Boomerang Alliance, funded by the Australian Government and supported by City of Darwin Council. Plastic Free NT works with local food retailers to help them eliminate key single-use plastic takeaway items and replace them with better alternatives.
The program is a free service for all food retail businesses in Darwin and surrounding areas to help them reduce key single-use plastic items that are commonly found in the litter stream - plastic water bottles, straws, coffee/cups & lids, takeaway containers, foodware etc and plastic bags. All of these items have readily available reusable or compostable alternatives.
The program is an amazing initiative for local Darwin food retailers to join. They offer free advice on better alternatives to make the switch from plastic to meet the business’s needs while working with the business’ own local suppliers.
With the increase in takeaway since COVID-19, the resulting marine pollution, and the Northern Territory Government’s plan to phase out certain problem plastics over the next three years, people want to be part of the movement to create a better world. People can make a real difference by supporting our local businesses who are part of the solution and letting them know what a great job they’re doing. It’s also the perfect time for businesses to join Plastic Free NT.
Any food retail business is able to join, and the service is provided free. To find out more or to join to beat the ban, head to the website