Update on 03/03/2023:
Effective immediately, Lake Alexander at East Point is now open for swimming. The decision was made following the results of yesterday's sampling, which showed a significant reduction in bacteriological concentrations, meeting the guidelines acceptable for swimming.
As the wet season progresses, the bacteria levels in the lake can vary depending on rainfall. In order to ensure the safety of the public, sampling is conducted at least twice a week, with the frequency adjusted based on the results.
City of Darwin is committed to maintaining the highest environmental practices to protect the community and the environment. The city's dedication to monitoring and testing the water quality of Lake Alexander is an example of this commitment.
The City of Darwin urges the public to check the website for the latest information on whether Lake Alexander is open or closed for swimming.
For more information, please visit the City of Darwin website
Update on 17/02/2023:
Lake Alexander at East Point has been temporarily closed to swimmers due to the detection of an isolated area showing elevated bacteria levels.
The elevated bacteria levels were detected during routine water quality monitoring.
City of Darwin conducts regular water quality monitoring to ensure public safety.
It is not unusual for high bacteria levels to occur in Lake Alexander during the Wet season. Recent rains have washed nutrients into the lake and this, together with sunny periods, has reduced water quality in the lake.
Flushing the lake with natural sea water is the best environmental action and this will mean the lake will be ready for swimmers in a matter of days.
City of Darwin is committed to maintaining the highest environmental practices to protect the community and our environment.
The public will be advised when the lake reopens, and people are asked to heed the closure signs until water testing is completed.
City of Darwin apologises for any inconvenience.
Please visit www.darwin.nt.gov.au for updates.